Tuesday 20 May 2008

Holmes wants more children, but not yet

Holmes wants more children, but not yet

Actress Katie Holmes has said that she wants to have to a greater extent children with her married man Turkey cock Cruise simply is in "no particular rush" to contribute to her family.
The 28-year-old star, wHO has a 19-month-old girl called Suri, told In Style cartridge holder that she is really enjoying maternity.
Sherlock Holmes said: "Nowadays, Suri is talking up a storm. She loves food color and creating. She's a great mimicker and professional dancer."
Public speaking about the vista of having more children in the time to come, the actress said: "I'd love to. Just I'm in no particular proposition rushing. We're enjoying our clock time aright now."

Mathias Grassow and Jim Cole and Klaus Wiese and